The Center for Distance and Online Education (CDOE)

Two Year Fully Online MBA, IFHE Hyderabad

The Online MBA Program

The Two Year Fully Online MBA is Open to Graduates, Working Professional and Entrepreneurs Who Seek Careers in Management

Why is ICFAI Online MBA Unique?

The ICFAI Online MBA program effects integration among your work context, the business challenges, the institution stakeholders as well as the learning journey.

This opens up tremendous opportunities for each individual. You can build the learning outcomes using four key drivers.

Viz. #mastery, #innovation, #freedom and #belonging. Let's briefly examine each:

online mba program ifhe hyderabad


The ICFAI Online MBA goes beyond understanding of concepts. It makes you a problem solver at the workplace.

Learning Formula

Learning Formula

Our 70:20:10 is #mastery oriented. 70% on job learning makes you the master of trades (Peer learning: 20% - Theory: 10%)

Concepts in Context

Concepts in Context

Many contexts are woven around a single concept. There are several such context-concept constellations.

Then how to select that context which is more productive for you from this plenitude? We have the answer.

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Problem Solver

Problem Solver

You are able to frame your business problems using management frameworks and recommend solutions.

Personalised Learning

Personalised Learning

Put together these choices allow you to craft your personalized learning journey engaging with content, faculty support and assessment in the way you want to meet your outcomes.


Innovation keeps ICFAI Online MBA program tuned to the ever-changing landscape and what more!! The learner is always future ready.

Your Persona

Your Persona

Our unique selection process, before admission gauges what you can, not what you can't and sets program outcomes

Learning Journey

Learning Journey

The rich platter of learning objects with diverse types of faculty facilitation enhances your journey from objectives to outcomes.

Check out various forms of multi-format content and delivery formats supporting your learning style and objectives. E.g. Thousands of micro cases, Dedicated mentor support, Short infographics, tutorials, glossary.

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Elective Choice

Elective Choice

With today's world being interdisciplinary, the cafeteria approach to elective choices allows to width of choice to gain perspective for change and innovation.

Elective Choice

Unique Evaluation

The program offers much more than assessment of your learning. It allows you the choice of responding the analysis from your work experience.

You will enjoy its emphasis on outcomes not just theoretical learning.

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Freedom in the Online MBA makes it highly #flexible - the liberty to pick your content type, study plan and assessment type:



What type of content makes your learning style comfortable? You have the freedom to choose.

Course Project

Course Project

Students can select their own projects at their workplace.



Learners are free to choose their elective combination from across functions to develop a well-rounded perspective in today's fast changing world.



Never heard before! The learners can choose the assessment methods too.


Belonging emerges from the connect to the institution, peers or faculty. The level of connect is vastly superior to other fully online programs. Belonging brings in socializing for learning and creates a quasi-campus effect.

How does a student get the sense of #belonging at ICFAI Online MBA?



There are many elements that brings in institution #belonging like Merit Scholarships, events, testimonials, feedback, interactions and nudges for progression.



You would be the part of informal and formal study groups, say peer network, which take care of your needs in more ways than you can imagine.



Just experience our student- faculty interaction during online sessions or in the asynchronous forms (say, mentoring or counselling), you will understand what faculty #belonging is!

For Whom

For you

  • Builds process improvements.
  • Provides work based insights.

For Them

  • Designs functional innovations.
  • Generates actionable project proposals.

To Know more about elective choice. visit program structure

For you

  • Your experience to advantage by drawing in examples and insights from your workplace in class discussions and assignments.
  • Reflect on illustrations and experiences shared by your batch peers from different industries.

For you

  • Helps to get noticed and earn recognition for your contributions to work.
  • Enables Cross-skilling/ upskilling by exploring other functions/ departments at your work.

For Them

  • Builds employee competencies to contribute better towards the organization's goals.

Designing Future Ready Working Professionals

Ever changing business dynamics calls for the individuals to be future ready to meet the challenges.

Your pursuit to fill the skill-gaps with the relevant know how ends with ICFAI Online MBA and listen!! It benefits your organization too. Here're a few insights:

Career Upgrade

Continued professional growth is crucial for any career path. Let's call it #careerupgrade.

Career progression needs skilling/reskilling/upskilling, irrespective of the position you hold at present.

It is here many working professionals turn to ICFAI Online MBA. The #careerupgrade enthusiasts can be broadly classified into three:

  • Imparts the confidence to start working rightaway whether in a new job or the family business.
  • Helps to lay the right career path through the multi sector and multifunctional micro-case based learning.

  • Facilitates learning from a highly reputed and recognized fully online MBA program at a fraction of the cost of a campus program.

  • Enables you to study in company with experienced industry professionals who are part of your batch and study groups.

  • The mastery you gain from the ICFAI Online MBA is tantamount to two years' work experience. Who says you are not experienced then!!

Improving Fresh Graduates' Potential

Is MBA worth it for fresh graduates? Yes, because it makes you the first among the equals in the job market by providing the option to gain work experience, network and learn from experienced peers.

ICFAI Online MBA seeks to equip you with leadership abilities, business concepts and professional networking that push you to the top of the recruitment list. Let's see how:


The #Employability buck doesn't stop at your first job. #Employability makes you a winner throughout your work life. (career shift included).

Staying relevant to the evolving trends helps. ICFAI Online provides the right impulse through peer learning.

When you learn from the highly experienced fellow students (Yes! They're batch mates) you build diverse and inclusive spaces that enhance your employability. Sky is the limit then!!

Helps to derive insights that help your business:

  • From experienced industry professionals who are part of your batch and study groups.
  • From CEOs, Founders and CXOs from diverse businesses through our Friday WiseViews webinar series.
  • All by just posing questions to them!!

  • Assists learning from discussion and insights.
  • Leverage multi industry and multi-functional case based scenarios.

  • One can learn at one's own pace.
  • You can opt to bring in business scenarios for discussion and advice.
  • You can choose assessment terrain centered around the venture.

Creating an Edge to Entrepreneurs

If you have been wondering how MBA degree helps entrepreneurs, our answer is simple.

ICFAI Online MBA makes your entrepreneurial journey easier by using the program pedagogy to explore the idea and develop it into winning pitch. Let’s ponder further:

Venture Support

The #Employability buck doesn't stop at your first job. #Employability makes you a winner throughout your work life. (career shift included).

The program shapes, supports and develops your venture! It works on exploring key ideas, testing critical assumptions, adopting best practices and preparing the business proposal.

Course Projects and the Entrepreneurship Practicum formalizes #Venturesupport Intrigued? Listen to our student stories.

How can I do all this? Click here to fill in the enquiry form. Our counsellor will revert to you shortly.
Should you be willing, even a Zoom meeting with senior experts can be planned.

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